Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Starting is the Hardest Part

On Monday, our American Studies class began Junior Theme, a research paper that is dreaded and talked about since freshman year.
The first step is picking a current issue/topic with a history in America. Wow. It doesn't seem too difficult, because there are thousands of issues and debates going on in the USA this very moment.

My initial topic list ranged from the emergence of the "Tea Party" to the bottled water industry.
Today, after three days of angst, struggling to choose a single topic, I'm still very much unsure of which direction to go in. At this moment in time, I've settled on the topic of unions. Why have unions declined?

I'm guessing that I will most likely change my topic for the umpteenth time within the next hour, however, unions are present in today's news (particularly in light of the protests in Wisconsin) and have a past. Unions grew in membership in power in the 1950's, they were challenged by many companies and government officials *cough, cough...Reagan* and continue to be part of today's economic structure despite shifts from an economy focusing on manufacturing to a service economy.

I'll keep my blog updated with any rash decisions, and hopefully will be able to report back that my research on unions is going well!

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