Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Fear is a natural emotion that seems to paralyze one of their ability to stand up for what they believe.
Fear is the one thing that stands in one's way of acheiving a dream.
Martin Luther King Jr. looked beyond the fear of arrest or mistreatment in order to acheive a larger goal. I believe that every civil liberty can be enforced if one looks past their own fears. Currently Maryland's campaign against gay marriage is being run by fear of change. Their fear is the same type of fear that rallied against equal rights for african americans and women. It is a fear that is both ridiculus and immature. If others combat those in cowardice of change, change can take place.

  Life is unpredictable, however if one does not take a chance and test the water regardless of the possible consequences one will not see the change they dream of.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn, this is very true and relevant.There is another fear along with the fear that people have of the change itself. It is those who believe strongly in the change, but have the fear of being challenged, hurt, or criticised. In the Civil Rights Movement, this was the fear of being beaten, lynched, or killed. But you're right.Fear is the only obstacle holding you back from getting the change you want.
