Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

You Can Make a Difference

As National Eating Disorder Awareness week ends, I would like to leave everyone with a few reminders.
1. Having an ED is not a choice and is no one's fault
2. EDs are more than skin-deep and a chronic mental disease
3. Be aware and supportive of those around you who may be struggling.
4. Show your love for others, yourself and your body. You deserve it. (NEVER let insecurities ruin a day).

This year, on March 1st, the House Bill 1530 will go before the Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee. If this bill passes, the Illinois Insurance Code will amend its guidelines by changing the definition of "serious mental illness" to include eating disorders. This bill would improve insurance coverage and benefits for victims of eating disorders in Illinois.

People go untreated everyday. My friend Megan ran out of insurance and her anorexia took her life. Please send a quick e-mail or letter to your representatives to encourage them to vote "Yes" on HB 1530. This bill could be the start of helping millions of ED patients who need professional help in order to regain the freedoms of a healthy life.
***For guidelines on how to write an appropriate and effective letter to legislature please check out this awesome link.


  1. Carolyn,
    Thanks so much for writing about this. It is a huge issue that so many struggle with, and I feel like it does not get the full attention it deserves. And thanks for discussing the Bill that will hopefully be passed on March 1st. It's great that you're spreading awareness!!

  2. Carolyn, Great job blogging this quarter. Your # of posts and the breadth of your subjects is terrific. This post in particular is clearly one you care deeply about. (Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend). The series your provide on eating disorders is also a great idea -- one giant post would overwhelm.

    The currency of your topic and the link -- in addition to the stunning visual chart -- make this a powerful post. How did the bill do?
