Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Semester I: Meta Post II

I cannot believe that first semester is nearly over.
The end of this semester marks the end of a very busy, sometimes challenging and stressful but genuinely enjoyable twenty week in American Studies. Blogging has become something habitual now. I see blog posts in almost everything, and often find myself inspired at times where a keyboard is anywhere but nearby. but on occasions when I'm at my computer ready to write a post, I am generally excited and eager to get my post out on the web. It's so cool to know that people from all over can read what I am writing, I have views from many places across the globe including: Slovenia, Australia, Indonesia, and Iran.
This semester I approached blogging in a more free form sense, over winter break I blogged, not for class, but just to share some images and thoughts I thought were important and/or relevant. Each of my blogs usually follows a formula. They have a picture, a link and an opinion. I'm not sure whether this uniformity is a good thing, but I have enjoyed being able to really do what I want regarding blogging.
This semester my most viewed post was "Celebrate the things you don't like about yourself"~Lady Gaga. I was surprised by the huge number of views it got, but I am not sure whether the number of views infers the worth of the post. Body Image and society's unfortunate obsession with weight is a very important issue to me and I wrote two post on the subject this quarter. "Unbelievable Apparel" also focused on body image and really hit home for me and i really hope that readers find the subject as provocative as I do. I got the most comments on my post: "Fixin' to Die". I really enjoyed writing about music and the Vietnam War and was really excited that people had their own views on the way songs and the media can portray political opinions. I was able to bring ideas from this post into our Perilous Times presentation in terms of analyzing lyrics during wartime.
So, I guess I would like to have  "Unbelievable Apparel"  graded.
I wish everyone tons of luck on final exams and hope that nobody gets overly stressed out, they'll be over before you know it!

P.S. Just for a side-note I wanted to alert any readers of the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign. It's extremely important that people of all ages are aware of how offensive the "r-word" can be. If you're interested please visit the site for this country-wide movement:

1 comment:

  1. Nice overview, Carolyn. I like your plug for the campaign as well. We're big into causes this year, you might have noticed! ;)

    Even if your blogging structure is the same, there's something to be said for using limitations as a creative springboard.
