Today in advisery we were all alerted to a change in state law. A moment of silence will now be observed everyday after the pledge of allegiance is recited. More information here. In my advisery the day was like any other. Only one person stood for the pledge and even my adviser was talking during the 15 second period of "silence." Many high school students do not take the time to say the pledge, not out of disrespect, but out of habit and a view that the pledge is a waste of time, insignificant, or not a proper representation of American values. I believe the moment of silence will be regarded in a similar way.
There has not been clear instruction of how to use this quiet time. Personally, I do not think a silent pause in the morning suggests that students pray. Instead, I think it could just suggest that students take a moment for themselves to simply think/reflect on really anything they want to.
But, then again, don't we already think/reflect daily if not hourly and minutely? I don't think that a designated time period is necessary, though I certainly don't think it's a big deal. I'll stop my conversations for a few seconds in the morning if I have to, but just don't see the point.
I am curious as to whether my advisery will begin to adhere to this new law...somehow I doubt it.
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