Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

"It's about us..."

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on this gorgeous brisk november day!
This day is not only set aside to encourage Americans to eat ridiculously large portions of sweet potatoes, turkey and stuffing coated with rich gravy and cranberry sauce; this day is about reflecting on your life. After this reflection I, like many others always realize that, my life is pretty darn good. Beyond declaring your thankfulness for everyone and everything in your life, Thanksgiving is also a day to think of how you can improve upon the next year (whether this means to be more generous with church donations or more sympathetic with neighbors and their political yard signs.)
I came across an article on Obama's thanksgiving address this morning. It really hit home.
The article Obama's Thanksgiving message cites need for bipartisan representation, not only talks of how the Obama's spent time volunteering in a soup kitchen for Thanksgiving, but also on Obama's simple plan in the greater scheme of things.

Obama labels an American's mission as one where all citizens, regardless of their differences (political parties, race, gender, socio economic background etc.), "come together and do what's required to make tomorrow better than today." This simplistic goal makes every hardship a little bit easier to overcome. If we just focus on one day at a time, we will be able to accomplish a lot more...and be happier and more thankful. Every country and every person has hardships, but, at the same time, every nation and  human being has experienced things to be grateful for. A difference in political opinions or nationality does not change any of the core characteristics of a human being.
Thanksgiving was founded after the Civil war in attempts to unite the nation. Appropriately, I believe in Obama's similar message for, if we unite as one and work on making the world a bettter place we can improve our nation. It all start with us though, "it's about us" ultimately.

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