Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Hamilton Chang Halloween

This last Sunday was Halloween, a day dedicated to costumes, candy and...campaigning. My friend and I went out to trick or treat for about a half hour. In a mere thirty minutes we came across many Hershey bars, M&M's and the one and only Hamilton Chang himself.
Prior to my encounter with this candidate for Illinois State Representative for the 17th District, I had absolutely no idea who this "Hamilton Chang" was or what he was about.
But now, after meeting this candidate at his own residence (accompanied by many delicious treats, blondies, brownies, candy corn and even chocolate bars with his face and name on the wrapper) I have a pretty warm feeling towards Mr. Chang.

My Halloween encounter with him prompted me to visit his campaign's website where I was able to become educated on his political views and activities. In this way, his Halloween campaigning was very successful.

My trick-or-treating experience with Mr. "Chang for Change" left me feeling a bit confused. First off, I believe his use of Halloween as a intelligent and prime time to advertise and promote his campaign. I give him credit for taking advantage of the trick-or-treat crowd. It was effective. The crowd is greatly composed of Wilmette children and their parents. These same parents will make up a large percentage of voters. Considering that he is running for a district position, his Halloween treats were probably able to reach a large number of his voters. Adversely, I find it sad that even innocent holidays like Halloween are now being viewed as a prime time for campaigning. It is a sign of the times that political advertisement is so prominent in society.

****Side Note: When I was walking home after my short trick-or-treat adventure, I saw a boy who greatly resembled Candidate Chang. After coming closer I noticed that he was wearing one of Chang's campaign t-shirts. This boy was probably his son. I wonder whether it was his  idea to dress up as his father for Halloween, or whether it was suggested to him in hopes of collecting more votes.

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