It seems sad to me that this event was so greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted. I wish it wasn't another excuse for war and international crisis.
How is it that 19 people, the 19 terrorists, had such a huge effect on the world?
I only hope that the next 19 people to impact a nation to the same degree to do so with love in their hearts and peace in their eyes.
My condolences for any family or friends of the victims of 9/11/01. Please know that you can change the world too...for the better.
ReplyDeleteI never thought about 9/11 that way. That it was 19 people to change the world. People always think, oh I can't change the world, I'm only one person. But this proves that theory wrong. 19 people out of 6 billion seems very insignificant, but obviously they made an impact. I completely agree with you that if that small a number can do so much damage, then that small a number can make the world a better place.
Carolyn I whole heartedly agree with you. It perplex's me that as second graders, an event such as this still is a hit to the heart. So many were impacted that day, not only the areas that were attacked, but the whole nation. Everyone has their own memory of that day, their own story. It amazes me that not one story is exactly the same as another. Dani, i also agree with you, if 19 people could have that much affect on the world, imagine what could happen if a number like that did something for the better.
ReplyDeleteHi Carolyn,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your sentiments. It's a very powerful and unique point about the 19.
I would be interested to hear more specifically what you meant by these words: "It seems sad to me that this event was so greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted. I wish it wasn't another excuse for war and international crisis."
Are you talking about the war in Afghanistan? Iraq? I can only guess what you mean.
Thanks for the comments! This day affected everyone, even second graders. Mr. Bolos, in that comment, I meant to portray my remorse in the way 9/11 was received. It was immediately connected to the war in Iraq. I think that Bush used it as another reason to justify the war, and wrongly connected 9/11 with Sadaam Hussein constantly.