At one point in class we were talking about the media and how it effects people. Being a teenage girl, I instantly think of the countless ways the media has affected my friends, their self-esteem and body image. The ways the media have influence over what news stories are reported, what information is "leaked", or the light in which these stories are shared are evident in all areas of media: politics, entertainment/media, travel, world and even food.
People are affected more than they think by the media. There is media everywhere, and all of it seems to be sending a message to this nation's youth. Many of the messages leave a lasting impression on kids and adults and I believe that many of these messages are destroying the confidence and health of the nations youth.
America, in short, is known to promote a "can-do" attitude, positive, pro-active energy, freedom, success and happiness. Looking around the high school today, I was looking for signs of these attitudes.
In the bathroom, there were a number of girls crowded around the mirrors applying make-up, doing and re-doing their hair, complaining about their outfits etc. All of them were really down on themselves. They didn't seem to be sporting a positive or motivated attitude (about themselves or the school day). It's really sad to me that so many girls possess such strong hatred for their bodies and/or themselves. I contribute much of this from the environment they live in (America). This environment consists of constant ads of TV for weight loss products, exercise plans, and ads for shows with extremely skinny and "perfect" actors. On the other hand many ads are also devoted to spreading the word about a new fast food menu, video games, and alcohol. The majority of the ads focused at women, however, are focused on one's appearance. The attention to physical attributes also comes directly from peers, family, and teachers as well. It is hard to ignore and often a huge trigger for girls to engage in unhealthy behaviors.
All girls, regardless of their self-esteem have second guessed themselves, an outfit they've selected, or their bodies. In a competitive environment like my high school, comparisons are often made and the need to be the best often extends to ones appearance. The American Dream makes all people equal, however, the media often teaches girls that they are inferior if stockier, shorter or less "perfect." I have personally seen friends restrict their eating habits and body's needs. They do not live a very free life.
I am a believer in the American Dream; that anyone can acheive greatness. I believe that anything is possible, and that every individual is amazing and beautiful in their own way. This video (a form of media) has recently helped a friend of mine, and hopefully the Americans can soon be known as healthy rather than obese or diet-crazed.
We all deserve to be free, and acknowledge that you can do anything, regardless of what messages external sources tell you.
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