After we finished the classic movie, "Citizen Kane" in class today, I couldn't help but compare Kane to the wealthy and influential men of today. Personally, when I think of rich men, I think of Bill Gates, professional sports players and Donald Trump. I found 'The Donald' to be most similar to Kane. He is currently the 278th richest man in the world, has his own TV show, is funding the construction of huge buildings across the country and now may be running for president. Kane was one of the most wealthy men in the world, had his own newspaper, built an opera house along with other mammoth buildings and, at one point, it seemed that he would inevitably become president. Both had immense public influence. What we don't know, is whether Trump suffers from the same hardships that Kane did.
Curiously enough, I found a clip of Trump talking about what Citizen Kane meant to him. You can view it below:
In this expose Trump acknowledges that he can relate to Kane. He notes that Kane, "had the wealth, but he didn't have the happiness" and that he believes (most likely from personal experience) that "wealth does isolate you from other people. It's a protective mechanism..." He can relate to the way wealth can separate one from others. However, before getting too personal the interview ends.
He fails to hold Kane responsible for his selfishness or loneliness, instead he blames it on his wife, ending with advising Kane to, "Get yourself a different woman."
By blaming his unhappiness on anyone but himself gives one insight on Trump's self-righteousness and superiority complex (that I believe is similar to that of Kane).
***In the clip check out the framing of Trump and his facial points eerily similar to Kane's.
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! This is really interesting to have someone as wealthy as Donald Trump commenting on Citizen Kane and his life. The most intriguing part for me was at the very end and his advice to Kane, "Get yourself a different woman". This advice seems so superficial and unrelated to Kane's unhappiness. He was unhappy because the money had isolated him from interacting with others normally and having healthy relationships with people. Instead of focusing on that, Trump focuses on getting another woman. Maybe Trump has already fallen into the same pattern Kane has, and can't see the issue from an outsiders perspective. P.S. I'm using this post in my final paper, thanks :)