Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sexism is Alive

Many Americans see sexism as a thing of the past. However, it is very much alive today. Though many may claim that they do not a sexual predjudice, I believe that subconsciously many males have a superiority complex, and find themselves better/more important than women. This can be seen by the example below. Punctuation is powerful and the vast difference between the statements made by the two sexes is alarming.
Both sexes seem to make their gender seem more important than the other. It could be argued that many women harbor deep-setted resentment towards men. Women and men are both usual culprits of being sexist today. On the Sexism Watch: The 2010 Black List it becomes clear that women's independence and skill are not appreciated by Hollywood. The majority of the top movies of 2010 were produced by men and films starring a female role had the female starr "in service of men." One of the Top Movies of 2010 includes Twilight: Eclipse, in which a young girl is dependent to the point of suicide on a male (vampire). The media, as has been noted before, has a large impact on our world. It is hard to believe that the media still contains subtle promotions of sexism.


  1. This kind of really cool. I actually read that sentence in the "male" way the first time I read it but I think it is cool how it divides by gender like that. I think this would be a fun test to give our AS class assuming most of them haven't read this post.

  2. Carolyn,

    This is such an interesting post!

    It reminds me of a book that my dad has called "Eats shoots and leaves" and it is all about punctuation. The cover has a panda, and with a comma in between eats and shoots, it becomes a list of activities, but without it, it is supposed to be like "eats CHUTES and leaves". The website shows more of her clever book titles that are changed when punctuation is added or removed.

  3. Carolyn, I just saw this post and honestly, I love it. First of all because I'm going to use it in my final :), but also because I think it really says something about gender role in society today. Thank you for posting it!
