Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Myths Exposed

There is a very large stigma related to eating disorders, and they are highly misunderstood. While doing research I was surprised my self that those with these diseases aren't solely focused on their physical appearance. I really appreciated the comment I received from Jenn on my last post. I would like to emphasis a point she made~ Living with an eating disorder is NOT a lifestyle choice. No one chooses to become sick with a chronic disease. These people are not simply overly obsessed with fitting into a certain size of pants or to look like a supermodel.
- Eating disorders are NOT caused by the media. Eating disorders are a complex combination of factors. There’s a big genetic component, and EDs tend to run in families.
- Also, people who are not super stick skinny could still have EDs. Eating disorders inhabit people of all shapes and sizes, and over-eating is a type of eating disorder too.

Thanks for staying open minded this week, and please stay aware!
(my friend, Megan, a victim of anorexia, would love it if she had known people were trying to understand)

Remember an ED is an illness. It is no one's fault and must be treated with seriousness.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Love Yourself, and spread your love to others.
More Information :)


  1. Carolyn-
    Awesome post! Great job for spreading awareness about eating disorders, especially for guys. I think more people need to start thinking of eating disorders as a regular disease instead of a choice that people are making. I like your emphasis on the genetics and inside factors instead of outdside factors like the media. Keep up the good work!

  2. Once again, thanks for posting :)
