Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

More Tax Cuts = More Economic Suffering for America

So much is currently happening in this country I hardly know where to begin.

I guess I could try to broach the Debt Deal... though I am completely aware that I do not understand all of the technicalities of the US economy I do not understand how taking money out of the economy will improve our situation. I was under the impression that the government was encouraging Americans to spend more and promote US businesses and employment opportunities in America. If we take money out of the economy are we not also rising unemployment rates?
Secondly, I sincerely do not understand why the wealthy are so resistant to a mere 6% tax increase. They are able to contribute more to their country, and if they were willing to pay a slightly higher income tax, I believe the nation could be in a different place. The wealthy are paying less than they have in a long time and important programs driving this nation are having their funding cut as a result of it. I don't believe this is a fair trade-off. It seems as if the country as a whole is going to suffer so a small percentage of the population can enjoy a tax break.

I am scared for the economic times to come. I am not upset with Obama, simply overwhelmed with the Tea Party's willingness to hold the White House to ransom.
If this first debt-ceiling request was granted, how long will more spending cuts be made?

I found The Atlantic's 'Five Ways the Debt Crisis Changed America' simply frightening.