Third Quarter Post

I have chosen my post "You Can Make a Difference" to represent my third quarter blogging. Thanks!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

You Can Make a Difference

As National Eating Disorder Awareness week ends, I would like to leave everyone with a few reminders.
1. Having an ED is not a choice and is no one's fault
2. EDs are more than skin-deep and a chronic mental disease
3. Be aware and supportive of those around you who may be struggling.
4. Show your love for others, yourself and your body. You deserve it. (NEVER let insecurities ruin a day).

This year, on March 1st, the House Bill 1530 will go before the Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee. If this bill passes, the Illinois Insurance Code will amend its guidelines by changing the definition of "serious mental illness" to include eating disorders. This bill would improve insurance coverage and benefits for victims of eating disorders in Illinois.

People go untreated everyday. My friend Megan ran out of insurance and her anorexia took her life. Please send a quick e-mail or letter to your representatives to encourage them to vote "Yes" on HB 1530. This bill could be the start of helping millions of ED patients who need professional help in order to regain the freedoms of a healthy life.
***For guidelines on how to write an appropriate and effective letter to legislature please check out this awesome link.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Myths Exposed

There is a very large stigma related to eating disorders, and they are highly misunderstood. While doing research I was surprised my self that those with these diseases aren't solely focused on their physical appearance. I really appreciated the comment I received from Jenn on my last post. I would like to emphasis a point she made~ Living with an eating disorder is NOT a lifestyle choice. No one chooses to become sick with a chronic disease. These people are not simply overly obsessed with fitting into a certain size of pants or to look like a supermodel.
- Eating disorders are NOT caused by the media. Eating disorders are a complex combination of factors. There’s a big genetic component, and EDs tend to run in families.
- Also, people who are not super stick skinny could still have EDs. Eating disorders inhabit people of all shapes and sizes, and over-eating is a type of eating disorder too.

Thanks for staying open minded this week, and please stay aware!
(my friend, Megan, a victim of anorexia, would love it if she had known people were trying to understand)

Remember an ED is an illness. It is no one's fault and must be treated with seriousness.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Love Yourself, and spread your love to others.
More Information :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's Not Just a Girl Thing

Eating Disorders do Not Discriminate.
When one thinks of societal pressure to look a certain way, one typically thinks of a teenage girl. While it is true that the majority of teen girls do struggle with self esteem and eating problems, boys (of all ages) are also effected. In the pie charts to the right, the percentages are only shown for women. These percentages may seem shocking but the percentage of boys affected by eating disorders and low self esteem may shock you even more because of the scarcity of their publication. Many men go untreated for their eating disorders due to the public stigma that only rich white teenage girls are afflicted. This is easily disproved.
This first stat may seem accurate: 25% of men are dieting at one given time.
However, it is also true that: nearly 10% of all people with eating disorders are male.
Nearly 1 million men are affected by eating disorders today.
More number statistics can be found here.

***Eating Disorders can and do develop in males***

With that being said, eating disorders may appear differently in males than in females, however it is very important to be aware of signs and symptoms of disorders in both sexes. Read here for more information on recognizing and understanding symptoms of a male victim of these life-threatening diseases.

If you suspect a friend or family member (male or female) may be struggling with eating please look at these sites for advice on how to talk to them and help them overcome their disease:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Awareness Week

This week (February 20th - 27th) marks the annual Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

Eating Disorders are not a vain obsession with one's appearance and weight, but rather a danger mental disorder. Some facts to put things in perspective:
-1 in 5 women struggle with an eating disorder or disordered eating
- 90 % of those who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25 (SAMHSA)
-It is estimated that currently 11% of high school students have been diagnosed with an eating
disorder (ANAD)
NEDA is sponsoring many events, walks, contests and benefits for anyone who may be interested. Please check out their website
I think it is very important to take a moment to educate oneself on the dangers and prevalence of these disorders in the world. A friend of mine died from anorexia a couple of years back. Please know that eating disorders kill, and please stay tuned this week to learn more to prevent the loss of another troubled victim of the viciousness of the eating disorder.
This week I'd also like to focus on some interesting Myths/Facts I came across in my research, Prevention, and the disorder in males...(yes, boys have eating disorders too).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diversity in Disney

In class we've been talking a lot about stereotypes as well as the role African Americans have in society today. The majority of people of this race who come to mind and whose traits are attributed to the race as a whole are performers.
Performers, however, are a small minority of African Americans, yet represent a majority that differs greatly from them. (I thought this related back to how in the post Civil War South most whites were thought to own slaves, but only a small percentage were actually wealthy enough to own slaves).
Today there are many different types of colored performers. An observation that African Americans are often cast as a "side-kick" in cinema and television was made in class. This is true in some cases, however I do not believe this to be an over prevalent pattern.
I am very familiar with Disney, and I have noticed that their movies and television shows cast a very diverse array of actors.
Some Disney productions I immediately thought of include:
-"That's So Raven," which starred a colored girl and family.
- "Sister, Sister" which also starred a colored family as well as twin girls
- Really all of the Princess movies. "The Princess and the Frog" most recently came out to round out a very politically correct profile of princesses from India to New Orleans.

It is questionable whether certain shows and movies, such as "The Princess and the Frog" are made in order to fulfill a racial quota, however, I believe efforts are being made (at least in the case of Disney) to even out the types of people they are casting.

P.S. I do not believe that African Americans are well represented by other stations and production companies, but am hopeful that they will follow the example set by Disney, and hopefully there will be more diverse Academy Award nominations next year.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Yourself

I hope that everyone is enjoying a day full of warmth, hope and affection. Valentine's day is a Hallmark holiday. Regardless of the validity of this holiday, I personally believe that it represents an important sentiment. Valentine's day serves as a wonderful reminder of how blessed we all are to have others in our lives who we care about and who care about us. Protocol mandates that today one must make your loved ones valentines, chocolates  or to go out of your way to say, "I Love You" today.

However, I think it's equally important that everyone also gives themselves some love today. Treat yourself to something special today. You have the right to love yourself, and to be proud of what you've accomplished already this year. Everyone needs positivity and warmth in their life, so today, please do NOT turn up your nose at those wearing pink and red with baskets of cookies, smile and remind yourself that there is lots of love in this world.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Think About It.

Just a fun fact to get ready for Valentine's day. Apparently this study was legit and doesn't only apply to romance. Acknowledge the people in your life that you love. They make you who you are today.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl XLV...Super Salaries

The Superbowl has become a holiday of sorts, a day where everyone regardless of team affiliation or interest in sports gather around a television to watch multi-millionare athletes compete to win even more money. Others, who admittedly hate sports still watch to view the commercials, representing incredibly wealthy organizations most likely promoting a snack or car in hopes of...(you guessed it) making more money.

This year, the number of Superbowl viewers reached an all time high."Total viewership of Super Bowl XLV on Sunday topped out at 162.9 million. That includes all persons age 2 or older who saw at least part of the game." (USA Today)

The immense and absolutely insane number of viewers undoubtedly raises an incredibly large amount of  money. I have no problem with the fact that a football game can make such a profit, however, I am generally annoyed and frustrated with the outlets this money is put into.
Professional athletes undoubtedly work hard, however, so do school teachers. Yet the average salary of (for example) the quarterback Aaron Rodgers, is nearly $10 million. So much good could be done with millions of dollars. $10 million is more than enough to live on, however, the number of sports stars do not invest their money in the places that need it most. Of course, we think of exceptions such as Walter Payton, however, the money spent on advertising and professional athletics could feed, clothe, and bring millions of people out of debt.

I just think it's ironic what is valued in society. If teachers made $1 million our society would be much more substantial and in a better place, ready to compete with other countries.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Benefits of the Blizzard

The Blizzard of 2011 was absolutely record breaking.
For many it served as a reality check. Mother Nature is truly in control of our lives. Despite the extreme chaos and disarray the storm caused, I believe it had a positive effect on my community.
It is true that people were stranded, stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Lake Shore Drive, involved in accidents and hit by piercing ice and wind. More stories here.
However, the extreme wind and about two feet of snow was a reprieve at the rear-end of winter, a time when depression rates sky rocket and motivation to work is lacking. The snow day allowed many kids across the country too take a breather. As a junior in high school, a day to sleep in was more appreciated than I could have imagined, and a day to collect myself was well needed as sometimes life seems wholly focused on schoolwork and college.

I went snowshoeing today. While enjoying nature, the beauty of the snow and the blowing wind, I saw more of my neighbors out than I can ever remember. My neighbors were out helping each other: shoveling snow, sharing hot coffee, and lending each other a hand to start snow mobiles, cars and water heaters. It was unfortunate that the entire city was put on a standstill, however, my community seemed to come closer today as a result of the third largest snowfall in the history of Chicago. People seem to come together in the worst of times, and I think it's important that we all remember that it's okay to ask others for help and it's okay to relax, and take a day to take care of yourself (as well as your towed car, icy sidewalks and cold friends).